Saturday, September 21, 2013

Then there is this to add to the pile: Syria may miss first deadline in U.S.-Russia chemical arms deal. According to the story - Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday that "our goal is to see forward momentum" by Saturday, not the full list. "We've never said it was a hard and fast deadline.".

Wasn't it touted by Mr. Gutsy that this was a hard deadline that had to be met - oops, excuse me, another 'red line' that dissipates into rainbows and unicorns. I would trust a used car salesman on S. Shepherd (Houston - where all the wrecking yards are) before I would trust anything this president or State Department says or does. 

It makes me embarrassed to have had a relative who was a Foreign Service Officer, and has a State Dept. award in languages named after her - now-a-days, Matilde would probably say "Don't tell people I work In the State Dept, they think I'm a piano player in a whorehouse". She is probably rolling in her grave. 

Remember, when attention is on the moving lips, watch the left hand, it's all smoke and mirrors. Add also the newest version of Rope A Dope the Iranians are playing, of course, with Bambi, it's more like Drop The Soap. To answer Thomas's question, it's a switch off between Mooch, Valerie, and Reggie.

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